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How the products can be used very easily and quickly everywhere.


SlimCOOL is not only effective, independent of time and place, but also very simple. The products are activated under the tap with water in seconds (see video on youtube).

You gently squeeze the product and simply roll it up in a towel or dry it with paper towels on the outside. Done! Either use it right away or wait a few more minutes – it’s up to your taste.

You can use it as is or boost it even more by putting it in the fridge for about 30 min. Then just put it on for 60 min. and either talk on the phone, read e-mails, work on the PC or meditate comfortably on the sofa with deep suggestion.


As it is a purely physical cooling effect with 2600 KJ/L (= 660 WATT) cooling power, you only have to make sure that there is sufficient air exchange and temperatures of around 4-6°C less will automatically set in on your skin, which will ensure that brown fat is formed and thus, centrally or, depending on the product, also regionally, the fat pads will gradually “melt away”.  

To boost the metabolism even more, we recommend drinking 2-3 glasses of still water – preferably with lemon or grapefruit – after each cooling session. This also purifies the body.


And here’s another cool recipe:

½-1l still water

1-2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice.

Add 1 slice of lemon or grapefruit and garnish with mint leaves.

Our tip: By the way, lemons and grapefruits have a super side effect: Due to the vitamin C, the blood sugar level is supposed to be kept more constant and thus the fat burning is increased. Grapefruit also boosts the metabolism and peppermint is good for digestion. So it’s not just for your looks, but also for your figure.


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